Oyster Hatchery Goals

The oyster aquaculture and oyster restoration activities at Horn Point Lab have many goals which we share with our oyster restoration partners. As part of the University Of Maryland Center for Environmental Science we have the opportunity to conduct cutting edge research and educational projects. The oyster aquaculture facility serves the same purpose as a state agriculture experiment station for oysters. As such we are conducting research on oyster husbandry practices including conditioning and spawning oysters (oyster broodstock), larval culture, settlement, and spat survival during the hatchery process. Partnering with the Paynter Lab the oyster spat we produce are deployed to planting sites in a process designed to allow for evaluation of factors like, oyster spat survival, oyster growth, disease acquisition, and the structure of the communities that those oyster spat create once deployed to the waters of the Chesapeake Bay.

A few of our Hatchery Goals…